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来源:https://www.jfjiaobanche.com 浏览:0发表时间:2021-10-11
拌车多采用全功率取力器 由于搅拌车需求动力大一般来说,从变速箱齿轮上取得的功率都是发动机的部分功率,也叫半功率取力器;而从曲轴齿轮上取得的动力则是发动机的全部功率,通常称为全功率取力器。
Full power take-off is mostly used in mixer truck. Due to the large power demand of mixer truck, generally speaking, the power obtained from gearbox gear is part of the power of engine, also known as half power take-off; The power obtained from the crankshaft gear is the full power of the engine, which is usually called full power take-off.
Full power power take-off, which is typically used on mixer truck. The full power take-off is meshed with the crankshaft teeth through the excessive gear, and the power is directly output by the engine crankshaft. Therefore, the power take-off can obtain the large torque and power of the engine.
After the power is output through the power take-off, it will drive the transmission shaft to rotate, so as to control the hydraulic oil pump to provide power for the hydraulic oil pump, and then drive other executive parts installed on the mixer to realize different functions such as loading, unloading and mixing according to the actual needs.
The engine power of multi-functional mobile mixer labor-saving forklift mixer bucket can be divided into small ones, which can be divided into tire type and crawler type according to the walking system structure. According to its frame structure and steering mode, the tire loader can be divided into articulated frame folding steering, integral frame deflection wheel and differential steering loader.
以上的精彩内容来自: 全自动搅拌车厂家更多的精彩内容请点击进入我们的网站:https://www.jfjiaobanche.com,我们后续会有更多的内容为您呈现.
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