(1) Mixing drum
1. 日常检查搅拌筒拖轮,有无破损、松动及不正常声音。每月加一次润滑脂。
1. Daily check the mixing drum tug for damage, looseness and abnormal sound. Add grease once a month.
2. 日常检查搅拌筒滚道,有无磨损、损伤及焊缝开裂。适时加涂润滑脂,涂一薄层。
2. Daily check the mixing drum raceway for wear, damage and weld cracking. Apply a thin layer of lubricating grease in time.
3. 搅拌筒内部经常性冲洗,铲刮粘着的混凝土。
3. The interior of the mixing drum shall be washed frequently and the adhered concrete shall be scraped.
(2) Driving system of concrete mixing tank truck
1. 日常检查减速机有无漏油,油量是否足够,油内是否有杂质。初次换油时间为500工作小时,以后每2000工作小时或一年换一次油。
1. Daily check whether the reducer has oil leakage, whether the oil quantity is sufficient and whether there are impurities in the oil. The initial oil change time is 500 working hours, and then change the oil every 2000 working hours or once a year.

2. 每三个月检查传动轴法兰螺栓有无松动,十字轴万向节有无松动,每月加注一次润滑脂。
2. Check whether the transmission shaft flange bolts and the cross shaft universal joint are loose every three months, and add grease once a month.
(3) Control system of concrete mixing tank truck
Whether the operation is normal and flexible, add grease once a month and apply grease to the relative moving surface.
(4) Hydraulic system of concrete mixing tank truck
1. 每六个月检查油箱、加油口,有无污垢、漏油、油量是否足够,清洗、修整、加油,补油或换油时必须经过过滤装置过滤。
1. Check the oil tank and filler every six months for dirt, oil leakage and whether the oil quantity is sufficient. It must be filtered by the filter device during cleaning, trimming, refueling, oil replenishment or oil change.
2. 日常检查油泵、马达、各类阀及其接头,有无漏油、损伤。拧紧或更换油标。
2. Daily check the oil pump, motor, various valves and their joints for oil leakage and damage. Tighten or replace the oil standard.
(5) Water supply system of concrete mixing tank truck
1. 日常检查水管、接头有无漏水,收紧管箍或更换。
1. Daily check the water pipe and joint for water leakage, tighten the pipe hoop or replace it.
2. 日常检查阀门是否转动灵活,修整或更换。
2. Daily check whether the valve rotates flexibly, repair or replace.
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