The mixer is not hard to beat, but many people don't know how to operate it. In fact, the drilling technology of Zhongke mixer is not difficult to operate. You will know how to drill after reading the following content. Please refer to:

With the development of science and technology, the demand of the application market, the mixer is developing more and more rapidly, and the demand is also rising. Everyone is familiar with it, but there are still a small number of customers who do not know the perforation skills of the mixer. The following is an introduction to the perforation skills of the mixer:
1. 搅拌机的射孔支管不得使用电焊(气焊)工具,因为电焊会破坏搅拌机的内衬塑料,支管的连接必须用专用管件进行坡口连接;
1. Electric welding (gas welding) tools shall not be used for the perforating branch pipe of mixer, because electric welding will damage the inner plastic of mixer, and the connection of branch pipe must be beveled with special pipe fittings;
2. 在钻孔过程中,塑料渣衬很容易掉入混合器原管道中,所以在操作过程中要多加注意,否则会堵塞末端水点;
2. In the process of drilling, the plastic slag lining is easy to fall into the original pipeline of the mixer, so pay more attention in the operation process, or the end water point will be blocked;
3. Although the lining plastic is relatively soft when drilling, the mixer is easy to be damaged by force when using a rigid drill bit, and the corners are not easy to be flat.
Do not use welding tools on the branch with holes, as this will damage the lining.
5. 当钻孔时,残渣会掉入玻璃衬混合器,所以操作时请注意,否则会造成堵塞。
5. When drilling, the residue will fall into the glass lining mixer, so please pay attention to the operation, otherwise it will cause blockage.
6. 由于玻璃衬里搅拌器的衬里是软的,钻头会损坏。另外,边角不整齐。
6. Because the lining of the mixer with glass lining is soft, the drill bit will be damaged. In addition, the corners are not neat.
In general, after reading the above content, you can master the drilling of the mixer skillfully, hoping to play a certain role in using the mixer.
The above content is introduced by the mixer manufacturer of China Science and Technology Co., Ltd. for more information, please visit the website: https://www.jfjiaobanche.com