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来源:https://www.jfjiaobanche.com 浏览:0发表时间:2021-04-10
When we are driving, when there is an emergency, we usually step on the brake quickly. What we are afraid of is the sudden failure of the brake. The danger is unpredictable. The mixer has high requirements for the performance of the vehicle, so the brake pads are also the focus of the inspection. Generally, we will use the following three methods in the self inspection.
1、 Look at the thickness
一个新刹车片厚度一般在1.5cm左右,随着使用中不断摩擦厚度会逐渐变薄。专 业的技术人员建议,当肉眼观察刹车片厚度已经仅剩原先1/3厚度(约0.5cm)左右时,司机就要增加自检频率,随时准备更换了。当然个别车型由于轮毂设计原因,不具备肉眼查看的条件,需要拆卸轮胎才能完成。每个刹车片的两侧都有一个突起的标志,这个标志的厚度在两三毫米左右,这也是刹车盘较薄更换的极限,如果刹车片厚度已经与此标志平行,则必须要进行更换。因此当刹车片厚度接近此标志的时候,司机就要随时观察准备了,不过在不拆卸轮胎的情况下通过肉眼很难准确观察,目前不少车型在刹车片过薄时仪表手刹灯位置会有所提示,相对自检就方便一些。
The thickness of a new brake pad is generally about 1.5cm. With the continuous friction in use, the thickness will gradually become thinner. Professional technicians suggest that when the thickness of the brake pad is only about 1 / 3 of its original thickness (about 0.5cm), the driver should increase the frequency of self inspection and be ready to replace it at any time. Of course, due to the design of the wheel hub, individual models do not have the conditions for visual inspection, so they need to dismantle the tire to complete. There is a protruding mark on both sides of each brake pad. The thickness of the mark is about two or three millimeters, which is also the limit of replacing the thin brake disc. If the thickness of the brake pad is parallel to the mark, it must be replaced. Therefore, when the thickness of the brake pad is close to this mark, the driver should be ready to observe at any time. However, it is difficult to observe accurately by naked eyes without removing the tire. At present, many models will prompt the position of the instrument hand brake light when the brake pad is too thin, which is more convenient for self inspection.
搅拌车刹车片根据用车环境和开车习惯没有严格的更换间隔,一般在行驶六万公里左右就要考虑更换。当肉眼观察发现搅拌车刹车片较薄时应当在保养时要求技术人员进行检查,因为肉眼观察本来就会存在误差,专 业的维修站通过卡尺要比肉眼观察更严谨一些。
There is no strict replacement interval for the brake pads of the mixer according to the vehicle environment and driving habits. Generally, the replacement should be considered when driving about 60000 km. When it is found that the mixer brake pad is thin by visual observation, the technician should be required to check it during maintenance, because there will be errors by visual observation, and the professional maintenance station should be more rigorous than visual observation through caliper.
2、 Listen to the sound
If there is the sound of "iron rubbing against iron" when the mixer brakes gently, the brake pads must be replaced immediately. Because the limit marks on both sides of the mixer brake pad have directly rubbed the brake disc, which proves that the brake pad has exceeded the limit. In this case, when replacing the brake pads, it is necessary to cooperate with the inspection of the mixer brake disc. When this sound occurs, the mixer brake disc is often damaged. At this time, even if the new brake pads are replaced, the noise can not be eliminated, and the brake disc needs to be replaced in serious cases.
When you hear the sound of the mixer brake, it is often too late. At this time, the mixer brake disc will be more or less damaged. The price of the mixer brake disc is much higher than that of the brake pad. Therefore, it is recommended that you check the mixer brake disc frequently to avoid damaging the brake disc.
3、 Feeling strength
When the brake pads of the mixer become thinner, our braking effect will be affected. At this time, we need to step on the brake pedal more deeply to achieve the braking effect that can be achieved by lightly stepping on the brake pedal. The braking effect of the first half of the journey is obviously weakened. Many people feel that their brakes of the mixer become soft and can't stop. At this time, we need to check whether the brake pads of the mixer need to be replaced.

