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来源:https://www.jfjiaobanche.com 浏览:0发表时间:2020-03-31
  As we all know, concrete mixer truck, as a kind of engineering vehicle, there will be a variety of losses in the use, the serious losses are generally tires, because the vehicle itself and the load is large, so the pressure and loss of tires is relatively serious, so what kind of concrete tires will be better? So let's talk a little bit about that.
  Steel wire tyre is a kind of structure of radial tyre. According to the tire body and belt layer used by cord material is different, radial tires can be divided into three kinds: full steel radial tires, half steel radial tires and all fiber radial tires. It is composed of six main parts: tread, body, side, cushion layer, tire ring and lining layer.
  Radial tire structure is reasonable, than the bias tire performance is superior, its characteristics are: and puncture resistance performance is good; Good buffer performance, low driving temperature; Stable and can be good, high economic benefits.
  1. Different signs
  全钢丝胎是在侧壁上写着sidewall后面数字 STEEL。胎顶与胎体里面的网状结构都是由钢丝组成。
  The full STEEL tire is written on the sidewall of the sidewall behind the digital STEEL. The mesh structure in the top and body of the fetus is composed of steel wire.
  半钢丝胎是在侧壁上写着sidewall后面数字 POLYESTER。胎顶里面有钢丝层,而胎体网状结构是尼龙材料的。
  Half - steel tire is written on the sidewall of the sidewall behind the number POLYESTER. There is a wire layer inside the top of the tire, and the mesh structure of the tire body is made of nylon.
  2. Different USES
  Full steel tire used in trucks, buses, buses and other heavy vehicles.
  Semi - steel tire car, pickup truck, commercial vehicle, etc.
  3. Different appearance
  The whole steel tire looks stronger, the pattern is also more simple, more deep, the weight is much heavier than the half steel tire, the shape is also bigger than the half steel tire. See here, we can summarize, because the zhongkejufeng concrete mixer is an engineering vehicle, whether the load or its own tire requirements are very high, so the use of steel wire tires will be safer.
  Zhongkejufeng mainly produces 0.5 square to 6.5 square from feeding mixer, zl-910 to zl-940 loaders, forklifts, forklifts, etc., if you need the product equipment can contact us through the website or telephone, https://www.jfjiaobanche.com welcome to buy.

