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来源:https://www.jfjiaobanche.com 浏览:0发表时间:2021-07-19
如何延长小型混凝土搅拌车的使用寿命?相信大家购买一辆车的时候,令人关心的就是这辆车的使用年限问题,对于这种重型车辆,由于价格不菲,更是值得大家特别关注,然而小型混凝土搅拌车是钢铁打造的,但也跟人一样有一个生命周期。处于分歧期间的搅拌车,其身体情况有很大的区别。搅拌车的寿命周期划分为巅 峰期、微软期、更年期、晚年期和风险期五个阶段。混凝土自上料搅拌车厂家在这五个阶段,对于搅拌车的保养、维修重 点上也各不一样。
How to prolong the service life of small concrete mixer truck? I believe when you buy a car, people are concerned about the service life of the car. For this kind of heavy-duty vehicle, due to its high price, it deserves special attention. However, the small concrete mixer is made of steel, but it also has a life cycle like people. The physical condition of the mixer during the divergence period is very different. The life cycle of mixer can be divided into five stages: peak period, Microsoft period, menopause period, old age period and risk period. Concrete self loading mixer manufacturers in these five stages, for the maintenance of mixer, repair focus is also different.
1~2年巅 峰期,小型混凝土搅拌车使用的前两年,是生命的巅 峰期,可以说是搅拌车情况的时候,相当于人的青年期。这个期间的人满怀热情、敢闯敢做,似乎不会倦怠。处于这个期间的搅拌车也是如此,车况很好,只需保持惯例保养,根本上不会有什么问题,但有些质量不怎么过硬水泥搅拌车,巅 峰期只能对峙一年左右。所以,新车一年行使进程中根本不会出什么大的质量问题,然则运用两年以上的搅拌车就要逐步初步改换一些易损耗的部件。
The peak period of one to two years, the first two years of the use of small concrete mixer, is the peak period of life. It can be said that it is the time of mixer, which is equivalent to people's youth. During this period, people are full of enthusiasm, dare to do, and do not seem to be tired. It's the same with the mixers during this period. They are in good condition. They just need to maintain the routine maintenance, and there will be no problem at all. However, some cement mixers are not very good in quality, and they can only face off for about a year at the peak. Therefore, there will not be any major quality problems in the process of running a new car for one year, but the mixer truck that has been used for more than two years will gradually replace some easily worn parts.
At this stage, the small concrete mixer initially entered the Microsoft stage. No longer as powerful as before. During this period, some parts need to be changed frequently to supplement energy. First of all, new brake pads are needed. Brake pads are the first defense for safe driving. According to experience, the brake pad will wear out in about two years. At this time, the fuel pump should be cleaned or replaced. Assuming that the concrete mixer is not stable, we should reflect on the car's shock absorber. Assuming that the spring of the shock absorber is elastic, driving in rainy days is very risky.
Sand and gravel are the main components of concrete. They make the concrete storage tank and the inlet and outlet wear seriously. In general, the service life of concrete storage tanks made of low alloy steel is 50000-80000 cubic meters. The service life of spiral blades in concrete tanks is only 30000-40000 cubic meters. Domestic concrete tanks are generally made of high strength low alloy steel, which is 1-2 times more wear-resistant than ordinary A3 steel. Some imported concrete tanks are made of manganese boron special wear-resistant steel and reinforced with wear-resistant materials in the easily worn parts, so their service life can be twice as long as that made of low alloy steel. It can be seen that different materials have different working life.
This paper is written by the concrete self loading mixer manufacturer https://www.jfjiaobanche.com Thank you for your reading. I hope it can help you!

